Monday, November 16, 2009

Be Prepared for Tank Emergencies

At some point in the aquarium hobby we all end up with a tank that leaks or cracks. It can be a very messy, stressful experience with water everywhere, tank decorations and plants being ripped out while trying to rescue your fish, and don't forget about the powerboard or electricity source being compromised.

The best advice I can offer is to be prepared.

Years ago I went through the experience of a 3 foot tank cracking in the middle of the night and found myself woefully not equipped to deal with it quickly and efficiently. That night I learnt I needed to have an emergency plan in case it ever happened again. (which of course it has lol)

The biggest factor is to know where everything is and have it handy. Empty buckets left stacked in the same place helps, as does having your aquarium nets hanging close by. Investing in one or two 60 litre plastic garbage bins can be a life saver as can having lots of buckets.

When the tank is discovered leaking, grab the plastic garbage bin, put as much water as you can from the leaking tank and then add your fish. The water in the bin can be topped up with aged tap water later if need be, but for now at least your fish are safe and in their 'normal' tank water. (less stress for them) Plants go in one bucket, rocks/driftwood/decorations go in another, pumps/filters/heater in another and then gravel from the tank goes into the last couple.

When things have calmed down you can always go back to the fish in the bin to add airstones and a heater if necessary. Just remember to watch the temperature of the water.

Everything is orderly, safe from contaminates and instead of panicking you implemented a plan of action. Plus the bonus is your fish have a temporary "tank" till the broken one is fixed or replaced ;)

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