Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Pakistani Loaches

Pakistani Loaches are so much fun to have - they are passive fish (suitable for community tanks) that should be kept in a group of 5 or more. They are extremely curious and are often found "dancing" up and down the glass by themselves or as a group.

Caves of rocks/driftwood are a necessity as they love to hide plus they prefer warm, slow moving waters.

They have the quirkiness common to loaches, which is sleeping on their sides making it look like they are dead. Often a very startling thing to witness. And Pakistani Loaches are often heard "talking" They do this by making clicking sounds which is their pharyngeal teeth grinding.

Pakistani Loaches are also called YoYo Loaches - if you look on their sides, the words YoYo appear in the black and white pattern. This can be seen clearly in the second and fourth pictures.

This paki was caught dancing up and down the glass, shortly after it was taken another paki came to join him:

You can clearly see the words "YoYo" written in black on their sides:

Funny how often Pakistanis seem to line up next to one another:

Another side view showing the word "YoYo":

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