Friday, October 23, 2009

Different Types of Aquariums

There are different types of aquarium set ups for the aquarist to try;

* The community aquarium
* The species only aquarium
* The biotope aquarium, and
* The aquascape aquarium

The community aquarium is made up of different species of fish and plants that can companionably co-exist together (but usually wouldn't be found together in the wild). Focus is on having a balance of fish between the top, middle and bottom regions of the tank. Additionally colour is a main feature. Often there is also the oddball favourite fish, whether it be cheeky loaches, a territorial catfish or a nocturnal black ghost knife fish who takes over the tank when the lights go out.

A species only aquarium is self explanatory. The tank is devoted to one species of fish, often because they are the aquarists favourite fish type or for breeding/raising purposes.

The biotope aquarium is about duplicating a particular geographical area or lake/river system, small scale, using only the fish, plants and type of substrate found there. Biotope aquariums are all about research, planning and collecting items needed. Aquarists interested in setting up a biotope aquarium do so for the challenge.

The aquascape aquarium is landscaping underwater. The focus is on use of plants, rocks and driftwood to set an underwater scene. Ornaments are also sometimes used. The fish added are plant friendly types - those who do not punch holes in leaves, uproot plants etc.

All these types of aquariums can show off the aquarists artistic side and devotion to their hobby. They also provide the aquarist with a challenge and helps alleviate burnout and boredom.

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